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Drugi javni poziv zainteresovanim privrednim subjektima za apliciranje u okviru programa The Challenge – dodjela grantova za prijedloge poslovnih ideja

Izvor:, 14.04.2014.


Please read the selection criteria before filling out your application. The Embassy is looking forward to applications presenting both a viable business idea and offering an additional development impact element!

The application deadline is 31st May 2014 at midnight.
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed.

Kindly also note the following:

  • Only applications submitted though this website via our online application form will be reviewed.
    No printed or emailed versions of the application will be accepted.
  • The application must be filled out in English.
  • Download this Budget file (Excel document file) fill it in and then
    submit it together with your application below.
  • Attach only the budget file, no other documents will be reviewed or accepted.
  • Remember, this is a competition. Only the best filled out applications will receive grants.
    Read the questions carefully and follow the instructions.

Selection criteria

  1. The likelihood that the project will be commercially successful and provide a clear added value for the future of the enterprise or business venture. Projects with no or very small such possibilities will not be accepted.
  2. The quality of the proposal in terms of how the company differentiates itself from the competition, how novel the project is, the sustainability of the revenue model, scalability, the market opportunity and the management team.
  3. The “additionally “ and “value added” of the project to the BiH economy in terms of innovation, technology transfer, etc. if successful.
  4. The potential employment effect directly or indirectly through sub-contracting, out-grower schemes etc. Youth employment and female employment will have a premium.
  5. The export potential (projects aimed entirely for the local market are not excluded, but export-orientation is a premium). Projects adjusted to and aimed at the EU market will have a premium.
  6. Projects of a joint venture character and which have a potential of create sustained links between Sweden and BiH will have a premium. Note: For companies in BiH there might be ‘Swedish or Scandinavian connection’ such as an established business relationships, intended marketing towards Scandinavia, a planned joint venture, sourcing of technology from Scandinavia, etc.
  7. Projects taking place outside the main cities will be given a premium in the selection process to promote a balanced regional development.
  8. Projects which have a clear positive environmental and climate dimension will be given a premium. Projects which do not fulfill basic environmental standards will not be accepted.
  9. The credibility of the entrepreneur behind the project. Success of new business ventures depends to a very large extent on the entrepreneur. The background of the entrepreneur will be assessed in the second selection phase.
  10. The project team or entrepreneur’s willingness to commit to demands of follow-up, evaluation and effect analysis of the project, even after the project phase has ended.

The criteria above will be used to rank the applications. Applications not fulfilling the application criteria, read Who can apply?, will not be assessed.

Additional advice

For your application to receive the higher scores it is necessary for the project proposal to have an additional dimension apart from the grant being economically beneficial for your company. It is absolutely essential that the positive impact on others, such as for example your community, the environment, societal effects etc., are discussed and highlighted. Hence, present both the direct impact (the positive effects for your company) and the indirect (societal) impact in your application.

At the same time the applying enterprise should thoroughly present revenue streams, costs and profit forecasts with relation to the project proposal in the application form. Exactly how do you predict the profit to increase with the implementation of this project? The proposals which scored highly in the first call for proposals presented a detailed plan in their application.

Finally, the winners of the first call for proposals all score highly in relation to the first three selection criteria mentioned above. We therefore suggest that your focus on highlighting whichever one of these is most applicable to your project proposal in your application.


Who can apply?

  1.  The applying enterprise must be registered in BiH and/or Sweden. Note: The enterprise must be able to submit proper documentation and proof of registration if selected to the final phase. For larger grants, between EUR 10 000 – 30 000, the applicant must submit financial statement for the full previous year (preferably for a period of three year). Newly registered businesses, i.e. those unable to submit a financial statement for the full previous year, can apply for grants up to EUR 10 000.
  2. The eligible applicants must be micro and small companies according to the EU definition, i.e.- a small company employs less than 50 persons and has a turnover or assets of less than EUR 10 million per annum – a micro company has less than 10 employees and a turnover or assets of less than EUR 2 million.
    Note: The enterprise must be able to submit supporting documentation of the above if selected to the final phase.
  3. The projects sponsored by the fund must take place in BiH or have a strong link to BiH (such as export development of BiH products and services).
  4. The companies and/or persons behind the application should have a clean record with the authorities, including having paid their taxes and social costs, etc. if applicable. Note: The enterprise must be able to submit supporting documentation of the above if selected to the final phase and might also be subject to an audit.
  5. It is possible for companies from any sector to apply, except for businesses related to weapons or military products/services, tobacco, alcohol or drugs. The Challenge is aimed at commercial operations, thus NGOs cannot apply. Read more on Inclusive and Sustainable Business here.
  6. All grants are based on a match-making principle. The company applying for a grant must be prepared to co-finance the project for which the grant is sought with an equal amount (i.e. minimum 50% of the total project cost). Part of this might be contributions other than cash, so called in-kind contributions. Some examples of in-kind contributions are donated labor, materials, and services. Investments undertaken prior to the application, so called ‘sunk costs’ are not accepted as matching contributions.
  7. The grants will be provided to new projects, such as joint ventures, newly established companies, diversification of existing operations, opening of new markets, etc. Hence, projects at different stages of development are eligible to apply – from projects at a stage of conceptual idea requiring support for a feasibility study, market analysis, etc., to new development of on-going operations.
  8. The application must concern a specific project, preferably with an implementation phase of 12 months. Thus, support will in the normal case not be provided as a subsidy to already on-going operations in such cases where the project proposal is not introducing a clear new element. For this reason it is necessary to clearly explain how the project will result in growth within your enterprise if the project is part of an already on-going operation.

Also note that:

– The winning applicants will sign a standard contract with the Embassy of Sweden. Grants will partly be paid in advance after signing of the contract and partly after completion of the stages of the project against verification of costs. A detailed budget is mandatory already in the application phase. Grants will in the normal case be dispersed with 25 % of the applied amount after the signing of the contract and 75% after six month following the submission of a six-month report.

– Selected project will be expected to adhere to reporting and follow-up agreements, as stated in the contract.

– The companies receiving grants will be audited (by a local auditor) before final selection as well as after the project period (usually 12 months). Companies which are not fulfilling the contract signed with the Embassy will be obliged to repay the full amount of the grant. Breach of such contracts might result in legal action in a court of law.

– The BiH Challenge Fund will provide grants of up to EUR 30 000 (newly registered businesses can apply for grants up to EUR 10 000). Eligible costs to be (co)-finance might include a broad range of project costs such as travel, consultancies, legal fees, registration costs, salaries, hard ware, exhibitions, IT programs, market research, fair contributions, prototype development, etc.

Applications not fulfilling the above mentioned application criteria will not be assessed.